Bulletin Board
Chatting, Conversing, discussing, story telling - all these are variations on a most important Islesford activity. This page allows us to share and indulge our passion for communication year round. Send us your notes, travel escapades, recent activities, jokes, "Islesford connection" stories, announcements of births and exhibits, great recipes, comments, complaints, or opinions. Take a moment to Add to the guestbook. Name: Richard Comments: It is with sadness that we report the death of Barbara shirey, long-time summer resident.
A nice writeup can be found here Name: Tera Gellerson Comments: Condsidering a stay in Isleford for the school year 2013-2014 so my kids can attend school while my husband takes a construction job on Big Cranberry.Looking for a winter rental 2+ bedrooms (3 would be ideal) we have a 2 kids a(very small) dog and a cat. Please e-mail me with any leads. Thank you!
Name: Sarah Rice Comments: Hi all. Its Sarah Rice (Parrish). We are planning on coming to the island July 28-August 2!!!I I will be bringing my hair scissors and clippers/trimmers. $15 per haircut! See you soon!!!
Name: Sara Bloom Comments: The CD Music From Cranberry Isles (Centaur CRC 2084), a collection of 18th-Century instrumental and vocal masterworks recorded in 1991 in the Islesford Church using your beautiful Charles Fisk pipe organ, is available at Winters Work. See our new website for comments and information, including the classic Downeast cartoon of the ensemble (featuring Sara Lambert Bloom, oboist and Susan Storey Frank, soprano from Great Cranberry) and the glorious panel from Ashley's stained glass window that adorns the cover. www.robertandsaralambertbloom.com
Name: Richard Comments: Welcome to our newest Islesford citizen, Bode James Duggan! Our newest little person weighed 7 lbs 10 oz and is 21" long! Congratulations to Cory and Kaitlyn Duggan! We are all anxious to meet him !
Can't wait to see what kind of potter he will make !
Name: Donna Isaacs Comments: Have you started working on finding or writing your poem for Ashley Bryan's NINETIETH Birthday present?
'Cause that's what the man wants! Save the date, and get your pots and pans ready, for a potluck POETRY SLAM on July 14! Six o'clock at the Islesford Neighborhood House. Ashley wants "a poem of an American, British or world poet, or an original poem of your own." Poems will be collected in large, beautiful albums. There's room for LOTS of poems! They can be small or large, typed, handwritten, decorated, collaged, etc., but please no larger than 14"x14" single sided. If you'd like to read your poem, please send a copy in advance to Donna and Henry at P.O. Box 276, Islesford, ME 04646, or email donna.isaacs@gmail.com, so we can put together a sweet 1-hour program for Ashley and his "island family". If you can't make it, no worries--we'll be happy to add your poem to the album for you. Ashley will love it!Oh boy, oh boy, we're gonna have a paaah-teeee!
Name: LeAnn Hi Islesford! My family and I may have a chance to visit in late July-early August (July 28, Sunday would earliest arrival, possibly Monday, through the end of the week). If anyone knows of an available rental that week, kindly email me! Thanks! We are a family of 5. Have stayed on the island a couple of times (at Josephine's place and at the Maypole) and the kids, not to mention mom and dad, are wanting to go back...there is only one island for them. :)LeAnn 201 261 7828
Name: Dr Margaret Shively
Hello all pet owners! The Dockside Veterinary Services boat will be at the public dock in Islesford on Saturday, July 13 from 1:00 to 4:00 pm, and again on Saturday, August 3, also from 1 to 4. No appointments needed, first come, first served.We will also be over at the Great Cranberry dock July 13 in the morning from 9 - 11 and on August 3, 9-11. Hope to see you there. Dr Margaret Shively & F/V Seakeeper
Name: betsy o'herin i am so delighted that i will be on the island for ashleys 90th.i have been coming to isles ford for ?? years and my heart sings as i ride the mail boat from northeast to little cranberry. my st louis home is filled with paintings by henry and ashhley and one of edie wrights, pottery by marian and a sea glass piece in my kitchen window. i will be at evelyns july 6-20.
Name: Suzette Carter Greetings!
Name: Jim Fortune NOTICE: Name: Donna Isaacs Save the Date: Ashley Bryan's 90th birthday Celebration on Islesford July 14 at the Neighborhood House - a Potluck Supper and POETRY SLAM! Name: Nan Hadlock The Town of Mt Desert is requesting that ALL cars in the Cranberry Parking Lot in Northeast Harbor be moved to the Tennis Court lot before May 20th. They are going to repaint the parking lines and numbers. This will be for 2 or 3 days, then you will need to move your car back to the proper lot in the # space you are supposed to be in!! Spread the Word! Name: Mary Johnstone Just attended Good Friday noon service at St Helena's, Beaufort, SC & heard my old friend, the Rt Rev Alden Hathaway preach a lovely sermon. His wife, Barbara did the readings. How wonderful to meet up with him! Name: Richard Islesford has a new resident! Elliott Damon Hadlock came into our world at 12:13 am! Congratulations to Katelyn and Nicko! Name: Richard A warm Islesford Welcome to the youngest member of our town: Luciana Katrina Pickering born at 4:10 AM. Name: Mary Johnstone Sad to hear of the passing of Wilfred Bunker & Lee Ham. Stalwart Islanders & well remembered. May they rest in peace & rise in glory. We miss you all & hope to return one of these days. We are now settled in "new" home back in Newport after 18 years away. Best wishes to all in 2013. Name: Karen Rayne Michael and I will be on Islesford for 10 days starting Thursday night, January 10. Karen Smallwood and I discussed my leading a basket-making workshop while we're there. I would supply materials; each participant would need to bring a bucket or basin for water, some clothes pins (the new-fangled type with springs), an oyster knife or letter opener, and a pair of fairly strong scissors. If you think you might like to participate, I need to know as soon as possible via email. My preference would be either Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday, the 15th, 16th, or 17th, during the day (probably 3-4 hours tops). The 2nd floor of the Neighborhood House would be ideal, and the calendar seems free, but I or someone else needs to check with whomever is in charge of the calendar to be sure it would be OK. There would be no fee for this, but I could use some help with the supplies; until I know that I have five people I won't order anything. You'll leave the workshop with a completed basket of your own making! I look forward to hearing from you and seeing you all next week! Karen Name: audrey delafield I was so, so sad to hear about Wilfred's death. I had SUCH a crush on him when I was little; I often took my Brownie Hawkeye camera down to the dock just to try to get a picture of him. He was truly a legend in his own day. No matter how bad the weather, how foggy, how windy, how treacherous, we never had to fear when Wilfred was at the helm. Rest in Peace, Wilfred; we will miss you. Name: Richard It is with sadness that we relay the news of the death of Wilford Bunker - longtime champion of the Cranberry Isles.
Name: Melissa I am curious about the meeting in January 2013 on Great Cranberry. can someone offer details? If there is help I can offer, I would like to.Thank you...
Name: Ryan Blotnick Hey Islesford friends, It has been a pleasure spending the last couple of summers with you all and I just wanted to let you know that I finally released my solo guitar album. I was working on this music while living on the island and got to really break it in at the Dock every Sunday last year (thanks Dan and Cynthia!). You can download the album for whatever price you are willing to pay for it (that's right, free if you want) through a site called Bandcamp. Maybe someone can burn a copy for Soos because my CDR drive is toast. Hope you enjoy it: ryanblotnick.com/solo-volume-i
Name: Soos On January 22, 2013 there will be a meeting on Great Cranberry Island held by the United States Postal Service. Please come and if you can't come send a letter stating your concerns. I don't know if it will help but it can't hurt. Thanks
Name: Nan Hadlock Parking Ordinance Enacted March 7, 1966: Name: Gail Carr. It is with great sadness that I report the recent death of my husband, Bud Carr, on October 31, 2012 at the age of 94. Though the cold weather (or cold water, on the one time he experienced it, as some of you remember!) didn't exactly suit him, he relished his friendships on the island and the fishing adventures in which he participated over the past 32 years. Thank you all for being such wonderful friends (and relatives)! I look forward to seeing you in July.
Name: Jim Fortune NOTICE:
Name: Jim Fortune CRANBERRY ISLES COMMUTER BOAT WINTER SERVICE BEGINS MONDAY, OCTOBER 15TH (*The last day for the 2012 summer season on the Elizabeth T is Friday, October 12th. Thank you Karl Brunner for the excellent service, and we will see you in the spring)
Name: Jim Fortune The last day of operation for the season for the Cranberry Cove ferry to Southwest Harbor is Sunday, September 30. Starting Friday, September 28, any vehicle with a MAN sticker can begin parking in Northeast Harbor, no spaces assigned at that point. Vehicles with JOY sticker only will still need to park at Joy Road until October 15. Please call the Town Office 244-4475 with any questions about parking.
Name: Francisca Drexel Our son, Marco was visiting Islesford yesterday (july 18th) and while roaming the island, lost the cell phone (black/basic model) that was residing in his pocket. If anyone finds it, (baked good of your choice as reward) please call or email Francisca. Contact info as follows: fdrexel5@gmail.com or 802-989-0852. Thanks so much and apologies for this mundane posting.
Name: Dr Margaret Shively Dr Margaret Shively The Dockside Veterinary Services boat Seakeeper will be at the Town Dock, Great Cranberry, on Saturday July 21, 2012 from 9:30 - 11am, and at the Islesford Town Float on Saturday, July 21, from 12:30 until 4pm (or until we have seen everyone who needs us!). No appointments necessary; contact Dr Margaret Shively at 294-2448 if you have questions or requests. Weather permitting; check website www.seakeeper.org for last-minute changes.
Name: Biz Houghton Hi all, Name: Cynthia Lief The Dock is looking for dishwashers! Good pay, great food, and the best team to join! Name: Meagan Blank
I would like to honor the memory of my great-grandfather, Lee, with a passage from The Secret Life of Lobsters.
“When Lee Ham went fishing, it was almost as if he were making love to mother nature. Lee had a knack for planting his traps in depressions in the sea floor, where lobsters liked to hide and hunt. He called these spots his honey holes. He caught the most lobsters of any of the Little Cranberry Island fishermen, and he made a profit on everyone else’s lobsters because he owned the dock where the fishermen sold their catch... It was said that he knew every pebble in the shallows around the island, and every boulder offshore. Lee would steer his boat in among the rocks by the beach, propeller churning just above the stones, and set his gear so close to the lobsters' hiding places that they had little choice but to enter his traps. He would steam far from land and drop his traps offshore with eerie precision, making rows of pit stops on the lobster highways of the deep.” The Secret Life of Lobsters, Trevor Corson Name: Nan Hadlock The island community is saddened to learn of the death of Leeman Ham, Islesford's most senior member, in Ellsworth. Name: Cynthia Lief We are looking for a room Name: Cissy Leonardi Dear Islesford Friends: Name: Jim Annual Beach Clean Up - Saturday May 26th Name: Ted Spurling Helen Hellman memorial service. Name: Nan Hadlock 2012 parking stickers went in the mail a couple days ago ! Starting May 15, a Manset or a Northeast Harbor sticker must be displayed on your car in order to park in the Northeast Harbor or Manset Lot. Joy Lot parkers must move to the Joy Lot by May 15. Beginning May 25, Manset sticker parkers must be moved to the Manset Lot in your assigned space. Cranberry Cove ferry service is starting by May 25. Northeast Harbor sticker parkers must be in their assigned space by May 25. Name: Cody Finke
I am looking for a room to rent this fall on Little Cranberry while I work as a Sternman for Ted Spurling Sept-Dec 2012.I am a recent college grad from Seattle, WA and I will be coming out to Little Cranberry Island in September to work as a Sternman for Ted Spurling. I am looking for a room to rent while I am working. I am happy to help out with chores and heavy lifting, and I am respectful of personal and communal spaces. I can also provide references upon request. Please email me if you have any questions or rentals available!Thank you so much,Cody Finke.
Name: Christina Spurling
I may be a bit nostalgic, but I also prefer the old dishes in the Neighborhood House. I was looking forward to using them at my wedding in June...
Name: Gail Grandgent
I need to correct the time stated for the Neighborhood House meeting, it is at 1:30 tomorrow, Saturday April 28. There is still time to contact a Trustee! I will be circulating a petition on Island before the meeting to ask them to consider leaving undamaged older dishes in the kitchen for those of us who prefer them.
Name: Katelyn Damon Comments: Ann Backus of the Harvard School of Public Health will be visiting Islesford on April 26 to facilitate a Sunbeam Safety Workshop at the Islesford Neighborhood House at 630pm. The workshop will cover topics like: rope entanglement, workshop exposures, buoy paints, airway health and diesel exhaust among other things. This workshop is geared towards fishermen, crew, wives, family members of lobstermen and anyone who works in or around boats or the harbor. There will be an opportunity to don your survival suit (bring your own if interested). As well as a lesson on making a re-boarding ladder. It takes approximately 6 fathoms of rope to make a ladder. There will be coffee and refreshments, so please come join us!
Name: Gail Grandgent
Realizing that some folks who care about the INHA china collection may not be able to attend an island meeting or the Fair, here is an email address to which you may express your input: contact@islesfordneighborhoodhouse.org
Name: Gail Grandgent
In a recent organizing and cleaning of the Islesford Neighborhood House kitchen, nearly all of the dishes were removed, to be sold at the Islesford Fair. They are being replaced with white,generic restaurant grade dishes. The rationale is that nearly all the dishes donated from island homes over the generations are too cracked and chipped to be safely used for serving food. Some community members feel it is unlikely that so many are actually unfit, and that many people enjoy the charm of a table set with an eclectic historic collection. If you would like to be part of this discussion, please attend the next Neighborhood House meeting , April 28 at 1:00 p.m., or contact one of the Trustees.
Name: Donna Isaacs
Cranberry Isles teachers are looking for a reasonable place to stay in Manhattan April 10-13. We need accommodations for two teachers and two students when we take our two incredible, amazing 8th graders for a much deserved 8th grade graduation trip to the Big Apple to learn about immigration and lots of other cool stuff. Ideas? Offers?
Name: Henry Isaacs
NEWS FLASH! Cranberry Isles, Maine.
Voters at the Cranberry Isles Town Meeting Today March 10th, 2012, vote overwhelmingly to rename the Islesford School, to THE ASHLEY BRYAN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL ! Part of the original proposal sent to the Cranberry Isles Select Board, and School Board, and read at Town Meeting:...Given Ashley’s more than sixty years involvement in these islands, in helping teach now several generations of our children, ...there is little that needs explaining to anyone in these islands as to why one of our schools should be named for him. The Cranberry Isles are already proud of Ashley. To name our school for him, will be a testament to our shared values of the primacy of education that Ashley exhibits in word and deed every day of his life. At eighty-eight, Ashley does not need this as an accolade. We do. It will be a great honor for all of us, his ‘children’, his ‘family’ (those identifications by which Ashley refers to us all), to be able to explain to new children, visitors, and residents for decades to come, the spirit and legacy that Ashley continues to live and teach. What other town can boast two schools, each one named for a distinguished American writer? Name: Laura Brooks
It is with great sadness that we tell you that our mother, Pamela Brooks, died on February 6, 2012 at the age of 92.
She died in her home with Laura and Holly by her side. Her great sense of humor and incredible spirit were with her to the very end. The memorial service will be Saturday, February 25 at 11am at the First Parish Church in Weston MA. - Christie, Laura, and Holly Brooks Name: Eliza Greenman Need your apple tree pruned? I have 4 years of pruning experience and I love to work with apple trees. I specialize in giving old, overgrown apple trees a new lease on life but I'm also experienced with young ones as well.In addition to this, I can also graft varieties onto your tree(s) so you can have multiple kinds and colors of apples- some early apples, some late apples. The possibilities are endless! Most of the varieties I can offer are heirloom varieties, however. So, if you have a tree that needs pruning and/or you want another variety grafted to it, let me know! I'm available to do this in the month of March (I will be pruning in a commercial orchard until then). Don't hesitate to email me with questions about pruning or grafting.(Also- I'm willing to teach anybody who wants to learn how to prune)-Eliza Greenman egreenman@gmail.com Name: Corky White The brightest spot in my house down here in the gloom of winter is the wall I first see when I come home, filled with Ashley's new painting, The Cook Doesn't Have to be a Beautiful Woman. It brings back summer, the island, and above all, Ashley's brightness. It's always Islesford and summer on that wall. Name: Nan Hadlock
Wednesday, January 18, 2012 9:00 AM at Great Cranberry Island Community Center 1:00 PM at Islesford Neighborhood House Proposed Amendments: Land Use Ordinance for the Shorelands Proposed Amendments: Harbor Management Ordinance Proposed: Fireworks Ordinance Copies of proposed documents may be obtained at the TCI Town Office Name: Nan Hadlock
The Board of Selectmen is now accepting photos for consideration of inclusion in the Annual Town Report. If you have a photo(s) that you would like to be considered, please forward them via mail at: Town of Cranberry Isles P.O. Box 56 Islesford, ME 04646 Or, via email at: nan@cranberryisles-me.gov or denise@cranberryisles-me.gov. All submissions must be at the Town Office by January 13, 2012 for consideration. Thanks!
Name: Brian
I have a gift certificate for a two night stay at the Colonial Inn in Ellsworth which expires May 1, 2012. My wife and I are willing to trade for one morning of working on a lobster boat or something like that.Thanks
Name: Wanda Moran, Park Ranger
Acadia National Park will be changing out the exhibit that's been at the Islesford Historical Museum for a few years now. We hope to have a new one in place by this summer, but we need ideas. In the past, the subjects have been: old postcards; the photographs of Fred Morse, Irene Bartlett's father; A Stitch in Time, that featured many wonderful clothing pieces and quilts that were generously loaned by island folks; and a shipping exhibit. As we look toward changing the exhibit for 2012, we thought of a "fishing over the years" one, or perhaps one highlighting the artwork of locals.In order to produce something that is meaningful for and relevant to the people who live and have lived on the Cranberry Islands, we would like to know what you'd like to see in the museum. You can reach me either by phone, email, or snail mail. I would love to hear from you!
Wanda Moran, Park Ranger Wanda_Moran@nps.gov Acadia National Park PO Box 177 Bar Harbor ME 04609 288-8804 Name: Tiffany
I am making wreaths this year. Give me a call if you want any!
Prices are: small 15$ - medium 20$ - large 25$ Thanks! 479-9217 Name: Kathleen Lake
Alice Lake passed away this morning. As always, we appreciate your thoughts and prayers. Becoming the storekeeper on Islesford was Alice's dream job and for her, Eric and myself moving to the island was a life-altering adventure that made us all better in every way. Some of her happiest days were spent on the Coast Guard and Sand Beach roads and driving the old store truck that she bought from the Hadlocks. Thanks to everyone who loved and welcomed us in 1975, and before, and now.
Name: Jasmine Samuel Islesford Neighborhood House Association Name: Nan Hadlock Please be advised that the floats at the Manset Facility are being removed for the season this week. Name: Bob Mocarsky
It is with difficulty that I write this to inform all of Lynn Mocarsky's passing from a stroke on Monday October 24th.
My sincere THANK YOU to the EMTs on the island for their compassion and quick help as well as the fire department for preparing the field for the medical helicopter. Also to those who helped me during this trying time, Edgar, Cindy, Kate and Cortney. God Bless you all. Islesford is truely a special place. Bob Mocarsky Name: Kathleen Lake
We appreciate your prayers for Alice Lake, former owner of the store when it was Alice's Store. She is in grave condition after a stroke.
Name: Denise
The Cranberry Isles Rescue Service is serving a Pancake Breakfast on Saturday, October 8th, from 7 am to 10 am. The breakfast consists of pancakes, bacon, sausage, coffee, tea and juice. Please come out and support our EMT's! Suggested donation is $7 and kids under 10 eat for free! Hope to see you there!
Name: Islesford Dock
Hi Neighbors! I'm looking for a winter studio space on Islesford from October until June. I don't necessarily need running water, just an insulated space, preferably with natural light. Heat would be a plus and also a 220 volt outlet for my kiln... but I could install these things if needed. I'm interested in renting or working out a trade for pottery, gardening and/or Cory's carpentry and woods work.Questions, suggestions, ideas, thoughts... let me know! Email me or give a call: 244-1600.Thanks!Kaitlyn
Name: Islesford Dock
Looking for parking spaces in Northeast Harbor - We are looking to borrow spaces in the Cranberry Isles lot the nights of September 1,2 3 for painting workshop participants Thanks for the help.Cynthia, Dan, Henry, Ashley, Georgia 244-7494
Name: Nan Hadlock
The community of Islesford is saddened by the loss of one of our oldest citizens, Herbert Stroup. Mr. Stroup was a dedicated minister for 17 years at the Islesford Congregational Church, a fine neighbor and friend. A celebration of his life will be held Sunday, August 21, 10:00 A.M. at the Islesford Congregational Church. Reverend Scott Planting of the Maine Seacoast Mission will be officiating. All welcome.
Name: Jeri Spurling
Cranberry Isles Realty Trust holds its Annual Meeting at the Great Cranberry Historical Society building Saturday, August 20 at 3:30 p.m to elect officers and opens the meeting to the public at 4 p.m. Come hear speaker, Meredith Randolph, president of the Island Housing Trust on MDI. She will talk about the affordable year round housing projects conceived for MDI and we will all discuss the issues encountered to keep vital year round communities on the islands afloat!
Name: Iann Krasnow
Hey Folks,My old bike has gone missing. It was last seen at the IDR 4 nights ago. It is red/ brown in color, has a tan seat, and has a nobby tire on front with a smooth tire on back. This bike has alot of sentimental value to me. If you see this bike, either let me know, or return it to the Store. Thanks in advance.
Name: Bert Flower
Hi There,Anybody know of winter rental on the island?Rustic and simple is just fine, must be inexpensive.I love to teach others to sail, navgation, HAM radio operator, Solo Medical wilderness 1st responder/ WFR, teacher. Software Engineer,Easy going Freindly guy.Sincerely,Bert 207-479-3665
Name: caroline sholl
the islesford fair will be held on monday, august 8th! the festivities start at 10am! please join us at the neighborhood house (rain or shine) for a raffle, silent auction, kids games, baked goods, white elephant and many other activities! all proceeds go to island organizations. please let amanda ravenhill or me know if you would like to volunteer or donate anything to the silent auction.hope to see you all there!
Name: Nan Hadlock
NOTICE: The Town of Soutwest Harbor is performing road construction on Mansell Lane and the Shore Road in Manset. If you park in the Manset Parking Lot, please prepare for delays and give yourself extra time when trying to catch the Cranberry Cove Ferry.
Name: Richard Howland
There is a temporary ban of all open fires on Islesford due to the extremely dry conditions. This includes all beach fires. Your cooperation will help keep the island safe. Thank You,
Chief Howland Name: Jeri Spurling
Get a peek at plans to help Great Cranberry's year round community grow. Everyone is invited to a reception to show Cranberry Island Realty Trust's efforts to obtain a grant to build 2 new year round houses Thursday, August 4 at 4:30 p.m. at the Great Cranberry Island Historical Museum. Drinks and hors d'euvres served. Cranberry Isles Realty Trust is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting year round housing for those who could not otherwise afford it.
Name: Dwight & Kathy
We visited your Island a few days back and simply fell head over heels. Our visit was only about 25 minutes as we were on the Sea Princess, but just having the opportunity to see your area and visit with Steve and Susie at the store was wonderful. We felt the island would be a great place to live and we really want to come back for a longer visit. Now that we have seen your website and how active you are as a community, we simply feel we must come back one day.
Name: James Johnson
Hello Friends, AN OPEN QUESTION/ REQUEST FOR ADVICE My family and I have visited your beautiful island many times over the years, and I recently read online that you could walk over to Baker Island at low tide, but that you should seek the advice of a local. I am on a multi-year quest to visit, and photograph as many Maine lighthouses as possible. Is it possible to walk across, and, if so, from what point, and at what time of day (We will be visiting in mid-October)? Thanks in advance for any advice.
Name: Islesford Dock
Have a spare night and a spare day? The Dock has dish shifts available - good food, great company, and you also get paid!
244-7494 Name: Islesford Dock
Would you like our RETURNABLES? - all bottles! The only condition is that they must be removed from the dock once a week. Ask for Dan or Cynthia: (207) 244-7494
Name: Cheryl Marion
Hi everyone. Looking forward to returning to Islesford on July 16th with much anticipation. Haven't been in three years and we are most anxious to get back on the Island. Last summer a young man I work with asked me if I knew anything about Islesford and by the time I finished my Chamber of Commerce speech I was so homesick that we started looking for another rental having stayed at the Twinneys for years. See you all soon. Oh and the fellow did come out for a day on the Island and dinner at The Dock. We are pleased to be able to stay at the Bryant Cottage. See you soon. Cheryl and Jim Marion
Name: karen dolan
Does anyone have an extra bike that my 10-year-old son Maceo can rent for the second week of august this summer? Can't wait to see you all then! xo,karen and maceo
Name: Sarah Rice
Hello all!!! I will be coming to the island July 30 for a whole week! I will be bringing my hair stuff! $15 for adults cuts $10 for kids cuts. I can do it at your place or on the Parrish porch! Let me or my grandmother know if you need a cut and we will set something up! Thanks and see you soon! -Sarah :)
Name: Marlene Johnson
My husband, two grandchildren and I took the cruise around the harbor including your island early in June. A storm rolled in just as we reached the island resulting in a beautiful stormy sky. We were informed there was a possibility of coffee and ginger cake at a local store which we made a beeline for after we cheked out the museam. The cake was delightfully warm and spicey. Our grandchildren scarfed it down and would have had more but alas many people had enjoyed the lovey cake themselves and there was no more to be had. It was an especially fun day for all of us and has been embedded permanetly in our minds as special memory. Does anyone have acess to the recipe for the cakee - which had a nutmeg flavor to my thinking. It would be a delightful surprise for my grandchildren if I were to make it. I have a huge desire to rent a house for a couple of weeks sometime but that will have to wait for the time being.
Name: Lindsay Eysnogle
The Islesford School's 8th Grade Graduation celebrating Isaac Krasnow will be held at 6pm on Saturday, June 11 at the Islesford Neighborhood House. There will be a boat returning to Northeast Harbor following the program. Please bring a potluck dish to share! We hope to see you there!
Name: Jeri Spurling
C. I. R. T. the Cranberry Isles Realty Trust is having a board meeting Saturday, April 16, 2011 at 8:30 a.m. the the Cranberry Island Historical Society Building. This meeting is open to the public. Agenda:
1. Grant application for houses on Cranberry 2. New tenants 3. Repair and maintenance on current rentals 4. Fund raising strategies 5. Other business Name: Kathy Lake
Hey, everybody. Will the Maypole Celebration happen this year and is it on May 1st? 843-0746.
Name: Nan Hadlock
Parking letters have been mailed on 03/10/2011. If you do not receive a parking letter by March 21, 2011, please contact the Town Office with your current mailing address (207-244-4475).
Name: Hugh & Karen Smallwood
Well, the Second Annual Cranberry Fest is really shaping up. Weather permitting, it will be in the town field. We have six bands so far and we're working on a seventh. We met yesterday with the sound engineer who will handle all the sound setup and mixing. Dan & Cynthia have graciously agreed to handle the food end of things. The festival is scheduled for Saturday, August 13th so put that date on your calendar. The music starts around 11am and will go till 7:30pm. The rain contingency is the neighborhood house and the church. We'll be setting up a website soon, www.cranberrymusicfest.com stay tuned!
Name: Nanette Hadlock
Kudos to all the EMT class students who are finishing up their training this weekend. Thank you from the Hadlock Family!
Name: Farnham (Mike) Blair
Good morning, Everyone.
I am delighted to have found this page, because Islesford is the scene of my happiest childhood memories. I spent wonderful, long summers there from 1948 to 1952. The kids I played with most often were Dennis Fernald, Johnny Yenches, Jeremy Eaton, Davey Peake, Audrey Sawtelle, and the Bryant girls. I would love to hear from any of them. Fourth of Julys, featuring fireworks that Johnny Yenches' father brought up from the south, are still the gold standard for me. I also liked roaming the beaches and fishing from the town dock--where the fishermen would kindly let me reach into their bait barrel and would help me get sculpins off my hook. Hard to believe a person could catch flounder right off the float.I loved being able to go barefoot, and usually shirtless, from early June till mid-September. Eleanor Sawtelle lent me a vintage red bicycle. I was one happy boy. It was a killer when we'd have to go back to the heat of Washington, D.C. for the start of school. My time in Islesford is why I live in Maine. I am a retired teacher, and my wife and I have lived on the Blue Hill peninsula for the last 37 years. Sadly, our daughters can only visit now, but the younger, Emily, is in chiropractic school and plans to return to "home. Best wishes to all, Mike Name: Hugh Smallwood
OK.. couple of corrections to the last posting regarding the Cranberry Fest: The event will start at 11am, not 3 and run til 8pm. It will be in the town field (weather contingency is the neighborhood house and the church); food will be provided by the IDR - (roast pig maybe??)and we've lined up a few more bands - Oscar Parsons and his band, for one. This thing is getting big, so put it on your calendar, CRANBERRY FEST, August 13th.
Name: Nan Hadlock
ATTENTION:Maintenance and Repair Work at Manset
The Town of Cranberry Isles is seeking estimates from contractors to do maintenance and repair work at the Manset Facility in Southwest Harbor. The work will be for general carpentry, maintenance and repairs at the Marsh Insurance Company office building at 15 Mansell Lane. If you would like to be considered for the following work, please provide written quotes for the work to the Town Office before 3 P.M. on Tuesday, February 22, 2011. 1. Replace a storm door on the north entrance of the office building, and repair a storm door on the south entrance to the office building. 2. Repair storm windows (re-caulk 7 storm windows; these are on the 7 older windows on the second and third floor of the main 3-story office building). 3. Make necessary repairs and stain the front deck (approximately 18’ x 10’ located at the main entrance on south side of the building). 4. Repair shelves and cupboard in the first floor kitchen. 5. Install a new compact stove/refrigerator/sink unit in the first floor kitchen (the town will purchase a new appliance unit for the contractor to install). Please call Jim at the Town Office with any questions 244-4475. Name: Denise McCormick
At the Annual Town Meeting, March 14, 2011, we will be voting on the Proposed Amended Shoreland Zoning Ordinance. Please check out the Town's website to read the updated version.
Name: Hugh Smallwood
We’ve got a firm date for the Second Annual Cranberry Fest, an afternoon & evening of music on Islesford. August 13th will see two groups from Baltimore (Cameron Blake & Ellen Cherry), two group from Maine (the Gawler Family and possibly the Three Seedlings), as well as local performers The event will be a fund raiser for the INHA and will start at the NH around 3 pm and run til 8. Hamburgers and hot dogs will be available along with beverages. Special boats will be available.
Name: Margaret Houghton
Here is a link to Chris Brown's obituary in the Bangor Daily News. Chris lived on Islesford in the mid to late '80s until he met the love of his life, my sister Nina and moved to Portland.
Chris Brown Name: Richard
It is with sadness that we report the death of Chris Brown, husband of Nina Houghton, in Portland today.
Name: Phil Gates
Attention Islesford Theater Project fans! If you're in the NYC area these days, I have a show about to open at Manhattan Theatre Source. It's a piece I created and directed based on the writing of James Tate, an American surrealist poet and author. Lots of fun. 4 performances from January 30 - February 1. More info and tickets available here: www.theatresource.org/now_playing.php Would love to see any fellow Islesford expats there!
Name: Margaret Houghton
Good luck you all of the islanders who are taking the EMT Basic class. Thank you in advance for all your hard work, thank you for the time you are sacrificing away from your families and work. Thank you for the time you will have to put in studying even though it has been many years for some of you. Work hard, study hard and have fun! and please be nice to Theresa!! The whole community should sleep sounder knowing that there are 10 skilled, trained health care providers beginning thier journey!
Name: Karen Rayne
Hello everyone! Michael and I are preparing for our visit to Islesford at the end of the week. We'll arrive Saturday, January 8th, and stay til the following Saturday. We're coming for our second annual January visit to scout Islesford in the winter and to celebrate Ann Fernald's big birthday on Friday. We can hardly wait, and we look forward to seeing everyone on the island. Happy New Year!
Name: Laura Sandberg
Hey everyone,Does anyone know the famous Islesford Gingerbread recipe? If someone could let me know (by email) that would be appreciated.. I'm trying to cook it for my girlfriend and myself. I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Love, Laura and Leah
Name: Cindy (Hadlock) White
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all my family and friends on Islesford !!
Name: Karen Christie - Relative of Hadlocks
I would like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Name: Nan Hadlock
The Board of Selectmen is now accepting photos for consideration of inclusion in the Annual Town Report. If you have a photo(s) that you would like to be considered, please forward them via mail at:Town of Cranberry IslesP.O. Box 56Islesford, ME 04646OOr, via email at: nan@cranberryisles-me.govAll submissions must be at the Town Office by January 14, 2010 for consideration.Thanks!
Name: Tiffany Tate
Lowering my prices! I am making one style wreath in small $25 medium $30 and large $35.
This will help by dropping the price and make it easier for you to order, I can still customize any wreath however you want, and I still do garland and centerpieces. Thank you Tiffany Tate 479-6620. Shipping Available. |